Another example of an impasse that could have been avoided
The recent dilemma faced by the US Senate over the confirmation to the Supreme Court provides another example of why the fundamental political process needs to be fixed. Would any rational person believe that every Republican and every Democratic Senator could be so committed to their position as to force the resolution that reversed hundreds of years of tradition?
The Association to Improve Government is convinced that one simple action would have prevented this unwise step to further increase the growing movement toward the concentration of power that continues to fan the flames of public distain for all things political.
If every Senator had been allowed the protection provided by Secret Ballot, the outcome of this vote would have been completely different. The extreme pressure and coercion exerted on the Senators by their party elite gave them little choice but to conform to the party line and thereby destroy another important principle established by the founding fathers.
It is clear today that our representatives are not free to vote their conscience on any significant issue. They must conform to the will of special interest groups, powerful organizations and influential individuals that put their own interests first. This concentrates power in the hands of the few and has perpetuated the public disenchantment with all things political.
Any politician who does not conform to the demands of his party, special interest groups, financial supporters or other powerful factions is faced with everything from censure, loss of his job, withdrawal of financial support, active protesters and even physical threats. This allows a small minority of individuals to exercise power over the political process.
The Association to Improve Government sees this concentration of power as a systemic problem that can be eliminated. The objective is to take away the ability of politicians, party leaders, special interest groups and influence peddlers to exercise their power to coerce or corrupt the decisions of governments anywhere. To that end, we see the secret ballot requirement as the only way to eliminate this negative aspect of government.
Today, open balloting at the governmental level continues to allow powerful people and special interest groups to control government. This concentrates power in the hands of a few as opposed to allowing the principles of democracy to flourish. The Association to Improve Government would like to change this by establishing a movement that will require secret balloting for all political bodies at all levels of government.
You can be part of the solution. Visit the website, review the concept and join the movement to fix our political system.
Adam: As the US deals with another conservative nomination to the Supreme Court, it is clear once again how “perfect” one has to be for any bipartisan support, regardless of the person’s obvious credentials. There is no allowance for growth and maturity as judges progress through law careers and sometimes modify their positions from earlier times in their careers. In virtually any job this is normal behavior. In the case of politicians not so much. If the changes don’t suit them they drag out examples from decades ago and waste hours of testimony plowing old ground.
They also politicize a process that should be neutral to the squawking of special interest groups. It should instead be a process of under pinning the law in the context of the US Constitution and any relevant laws that were not addressed specifically in the constitution or it’s subsequent amendments. Any new laws should pass the test of being fair for all reasonable citizens.
Clearly the court has become politicized to the extent there is little room for collaboration in the best interest of the people. Adam Smith and many others must be turning over in their graves with the deterioration of one of our 3 pillars of government and, arguably, the most important. Perhaps your thoughts on the secret ballot process should apply hear as well? Will be interested in your views on this.
The objective of the Association to Improve Government is:
To require secret ballot voting by all political bodies at all levels of government.
This really does mean all and the supreme court is obviously a level of government.
Justices, like all people, have a myriad of external influences and they can publicly express their opinions, write opinions, etc. as is the right of all free people. But, when the time comes to actually “make a decision by voting on a case,” the only way to be sure they can truly vote their conscience is to vote by Secret Ballot.
The drama and rhetoric that you seem to detest is the obvious outcome when any individuals are placed in jeopardy and justices are no different in this regard. Secret ballot voting will protect them just as it protects all of us when we vote in public elections.
Adam Smith